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Please help us make a difference in the lives of children who are working hard on and off the court.
We need your support: volunteer, donate and/or advocate.
Why Help Is Needed
A's & Aces is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit public charity that relies on contributions from the community to operate. All children deserve equal opportunities to succeed. Help our children reach their full potential.
Why People Help
Whether the help is in the form of a financial contribution or a gift of time, the explanation most often given by donors and volunteers is that it makes them "feel good when helping others." In fact, volunteer often begin thinking they are the ones providing a service, but wind up concluding that they benefit just as much as the kids, if not more.
How You Can Help
A's & Aces depends on your support to help keep children living in the greater New Orleans area on their path to success by engaging them in productive and healthy academic, athletic, and life-skills activities. Your donation, however great or small, demonstrates a commitment to helping improve individual children’s literacy, health and well-being, and our community as a whole.
We need your support: volunteer, donate and/or advocate.
Why Help Is Needed
A's & Aces is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit public charity that relies on contributions from the community to operate. All children deserve equal opportunities to succeed. Help our children reach their full potential.
Why People Help
Whether the help is in the form of a financial contribution or a gift of time, the explanation most often given by donors and volunteers is that it makes them "feel good when helping others." In fact, volunteer often begin thinking they are the ones providing a service, but wind up concluding that they benefit just as much as the kids, if not more.
How You Can Help
A's & Aces depends on your support to help keep children living in the greater New Orleans area on their path to success by engaging them in productive and healthy academic, athletic, and life-skills activities. Your donation, however great or small, demonstrates a commitment to helping improve individual children’s literacy, health and well-being, and our community as a whole.
- Double your gift to A's & Aces through a corporate matching gift. Check with your employer to see if your workplace offers this option.
- Many donors make honorary or memorial gifts to A's & Aces on behalf of a friend or family member. A's & Aces will send an appropriate letter to the person or family specified acknowledging the gift.
- Making a gift of stock can reduce or eliminate capital gains tax and result in a charitable deduction for the full, appreciated value of the stock. A's & Aces will send stock transfer instructions upon request to your broker or agent.
- As a non-profit organization, A's & Aces can be named as a full or partial beneficiary in a will, life insurance policy, retirement plan, annuity, or trust fund. Planned giving donors are welcome to meet with A's & Aces' administrative staff or have their lawyers or accountants contact A's & Aces.
- A's & Aces accepts the donation of in-kind products and services. Such gifts offset costs and allow A's & Aces to keep its operating expenses low while helping programs run more effectively. A's & Aces provides documentation for in-kind gifts to ensure that contributors receive appropriate tax benefits.
- Many donors make honorary or memorial gifts to A's & Aces on behalf of a friend or family member. A's & Aces will send an appropriate letter to the person or family specified acknowledging the gift.
- Making a gift of stock can reduce or eliminate capital gains tax and result in a charitable deduction for the full, appreciated value of the stock. A's & Aces will send stock transfer instructions upon request to your broker or agent.
- As a non-profit organization, A's & Aces can be named as a full or partial beneficiary in a will, life insurance policy, retirement plan, annuity, or trust fund. Planned giving donors are welcome to meet with A's & Aces' administrative staff or have their lawyers or accountants contact A's & Aces.
- A's & Aces accepts the donation of in-kind products and services. Such gifts offset costs and allow A's & Aces to keep its operating expenses low while helping programs run more effectively. A's & Aces provides documentation for in-kind gifts to ensure that contributors receive appropriate tax benefits.